Forum Agenti Centro Italia Prato Febbraio 2025 EN
Forum Agenti Center of Italy Prato

There are 62 days left for Forum Agenti Center of Italy Prato the multiregional Meeting to let Companies meet and have face-to-face Job Interviews with Commercial Agents in the italian area of Toscana, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Umbria e Lazio that will take place Thursday 13 February 2025 at the Convention Center of the Art Hotel Museo in Prato.

Your Company is looking for Commercial Agents in these italian areas? Fill now the Booking Form. Instead if you want to know How much does it costs to participate or if you need more informations, please contact our Editorial Board at the International Phone Number +39 or at the Mobile Phone Number +39 335.133.59.35.

Are you a Sales Agent? Look at the List of the Participating Companies that have already confirmed their participation in Prato and book your personal face-to-face Interviews.

Forum Agenti Centro Nord Bologna Marzo 2025 EN
Forum Agenti Central North Bologna

There are 89 days left for Forum Agenti Central North Bologna the multiregional Meeting to let Companies meet and have face-to-face Job Interviews with Commercial Agents in the italian area of Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Marche, Toscana e Lombardia that will take place Wednesday 12 March 2025 at the Convention Center of the Marriot AC Hotel Bologna in Bologna.

Your Company is looking for Commercial Agents in these italian areas? Fill now the Booking Form. Instead if you want to know How much does it costs to participate or if you need more informations, please contact our Editorial Board at the International Phone Number +39 or at the Mobile Phone Number +39 335.133.59.35.

Are you a Sales Agent? Look at the List of the Participating Companies that have already confirmed their participation in Bologna and book your personal face-to-face Interviews.

Forum Agenti Sud Italia Bari Aprile 2025 EN
Forum Agenti Sud Italy Bari

There are 110 days left for Forum Agenti Sud Italy Bari the multiregional Meeting to let Companies meet and have face-to-face Job Interviews with Commercial Agents in the italian area of Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania e Molise that will take place Thursday 3 April 2025 at the Convention Center of the Vittoria Parc Hotel in Bari.

Your Company is looking for Commercial Agents in these italian areas? Fill now the Booking Form. Instead if you want to know How much does it costs to participate or if you need more informations, please contact our Editorial Board at the International Phone Number +39 or at the Mobile Phone Number +39 335.133.59.35.

Are you a Sales Agent? Look at the List of the Participating Companies that have already confirmed their participation in Bari and book your personal face-to-face Interviews.

Milano Novembre 2025 EN
Forum Agenti Milan EXPO November 2025

It will take place from Thursday 6 to Friday 7 November 2025 at the NH Milano Congress Center Assago the next edition of Forum Agenti Milan EXPO, the One and Only International Fair dedicated to Job Interviews for Commercial Agents.

You need more informations? Please contact our Editorial Board at the International Phone Number +39 or at the Mobile Phone Number +39 335.133.59.35.

Your Company is looking for Commercial Agents? Plan now your participation in Forum Agenti Milan EXPO. Find out How much it costs to participate and if you want fill the Booking Form for the next Edition November 2025.

Find out everything about Forum Agenti Milan EXPO 2025.

Are you a Sales Agent? You can already request your Free Tiket. We will keep you updated and, as we get closer to the event date, we will publish the list of the Participating Companies also also sorted by Market Sector.

Sales Job Interviews with 100% focus on your priority area
Let’s meet in person your new Commercial Agents: Join the Regional Events of Forum Agenti. Since 2018 you will have the chance to interview and recruit your Sales Professionals in their work area, exactly in the Italian region where you need them. Find out all the dates and which Italian Regions will welcome the next Forum Agenti Regional Events .
Che cos'è Forum Agenti?
What is Forum Agenti?
Have you ever been to Forum Agenti? Follow us in the section Forum Agenti Video: we will tell you the event frame by frame and you will experience some of the highlights of the past edition. Like this, you can make your mind about what will be going on while joining the next edition of Forum Agenti.
Lo Spot TV che fa incontrare gli Agenti con le Aziende
Lo Spot TV che fa incontrare gli Agenti con le Aziende
Confermata lo Spot TV di Forum Agenti. Uno spot animato che racconta in 20 secondi come funziona Forum Agenti: la quattordicesima edizione della manifestazione è a Fiera Milano Mi.CO. Giovedì 14 e Venerdì 15 Novembre 2019....The TV Spot of Forum Agenti

For more information Click here Or call the Italian Toll Free Number 800.86.16.16.